Sunday, August 22, 2010

Winter Garden!

Yes, you read the title correct. For the first time in my life I will have a winter garden. AMAZIIINNGGGG.
You may wonder how can that happen. Well the answer is very easy: Thanks to maritime climate that we get here in Seattle!!!!
Wohooooo. I am so excited. This time I am going a step forward and starting the veggies all from scratch.

So yesterday MLF helped to extend the garden.
He was awesome as always. He put the extension and sure enough his analytic brain worked things like a charm in a very short time.

When he was done, it was my turn to sheet mulch the area before we could put the soil. I put wet cardboard and newspaper so that the grass won't grow into the veggie bed but just break down and be organic material for the yard. Thanks again for all this info to Seattle Tilth. I am so inspired and excited to have a winter garden. 

Bed is ready for the soil that is being dumped in the background


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